Windward Village Property Owners Association


It is our intention to use this website to provide our Owners with access to all Windward Village Property Owners Association up to date information such as dates for Meetings & Social Events, Agenda, Minutes, Financial, Legal Documents, Architectural Requests, ability to pay Annual Assessment and more.
Windward Village Property Owners Association represents 316 Members, Estate Homes, in Hernando Florida as a part of Terra Vista in Citrus Hills which has more than 2180 Members. As an estate home, whether developed or undeveloped, all exterior maintenance is the responsibility of the homeowner. Membership is mandatory in the following three areas: Citrus Hills Golf & Country Club, Terra Vista POA, and Windward Village POA. Each organization has its own annual assessment.
Our Annual Meeting is held in February and the Board of Directors has quarterly business meetings. All homeowners are encouraged to attend.

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